Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Android Installation in Windows Machine

After creating many applications in android I thought of sharing my knowledge with you all.So Here I am with my first Blog which will explain you all @ How to Setup Android Development Environment into yours windows machine.  

Now to install Android into Windows machine one should do the following things:

1) Download SDK ADT bundle from windows by going to site http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
2) After going to the above site click on Download the SDK ADT Bundle for Windows.
3) Once you Click on that button it will ask you to accept terms and Condition.For reference please follow the following Image.

4) Make sure the Downloaded File is approx. 406 MB.
5) After you Download the whole file, you will get the file with name as "adt-bundle-windows-x86.zip"
6) Copy that Zip file and go to the Program Files which is located in C drive or a drive where your operating system is Located.
7) Create a folder name as Android and Paste the Zip file over there. After pasting you need to extract this files over there itself.
8) Once you extract the files you will get three things:
     a) Eclipse
     b) sdk.
     c) SDK Manager.exe

Eclipse ---> It is used for developing any android application in it.@ It is Android IDE provided by Google
which have all the android plugins already installed in it. So now one is not required to install any Plugins by their own they Just need to Download Android Emulator (Which user wants to use) from Eclipse.

SDk and SDK manager File are the files which have all the Libraries of android which are required when you want to develop android application.In the newer Version this Libraries are directly installed in Eclipse, So now you don't have to install it.

9) After you Extract the zip file and get all three files/folders open Eclipse folder and Double click on eclipse.exe.When eclipse is getting started it will ask for the Location of Workspace.(Workspace is the Location where all the project files will get stored).
10) Once your Eclipse starts you are ready with Android Development Environment. Now Download Android Emulator according to your needs and Create Project and Happy Coding...

So Now I hope you will able to Install android very well and will able to create wonderful application.
Also If you have any issue with installation of android than you can surely write your comments and send it to me, will go through it and will try to help you out to solve your problem.